News - page 26

The well-known metropolitan agency Mosoblreklama has turned to RosCO for professional legal advice. Decades of experience of the consulting company show that over 95% of the clients reapply for the services, and over 80% become the regular clients of RosCo, switching to accounting and legal services.
A contract was signed for legal support of the branch of Parallels in Russia. The consistent high quality service, professionalism, reliability and responsibility – that’s what distinguishes the specialists of the legal service of RosCo – Consulting and audit.
As a rule, Russian representative offices of foreign companies need accreditation. The specialists of RosCo – Consulting and audit do a great job of this task, providing the premium quality services. A contract was concluded with MySale Group PLC: the well-known online retailer has also relied on professionalism and vast experience of the RosCo lawyers in this field.
The Russian travel service entrusted the solution of current issues of the organization of activities to the experienced RosCo lawyers.
The legal and accounting services of RosCo – Consulting and audit took charge of the Russian representative office of the Turkish building company Matte. Like many regular clients of RosCo, the branch decided to conclude a contract for provision of a package of services.
The representative office of the leading Turkish company Katre has concluded a contract with RosCo – Consulting and audit for provision of a package of services. Now the legal and accounting issues of the branch are dealt with by highly qualified and experienced specialists of RosCo.
Not only construction, manufacturing and trade companies turn to RosCo for qualified consulting support: a contract for provision of legal services was concluded with a representative office of the Turkish online company Farmer Expert.
The Russian representative office of the company CJ Group chose RosCo as a provider of high-quality legal services. The specialists of the consulting organization took responsibility for professional support of the client in the field of migration law.
Another large foreign manufacturer opted for the professionalism of RosCo specialists: a contract for provision of legal services was signed with the Russian representative office of the famous German company Heel. Reliable professional legal support of RosCo is very important not only at the stage of organization and development, but also in the course of work of any company: this helps to avoid problems with supervisory state agencies. 
Another large Turkish enterprise, Nursan Trailer has concluded a contract for provision of legal and accounting services with RosCo – Consulting and audit. The positive business reputation and numerous feedbacks from grateful customers incline the representatives of medium and large businesses to choose RosCo. 
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