The representative office of the large American company Horton International has concluded an agreement with «RosCo – Legal Advice» for provision of services in the field of immigration law.
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As a rule, the clients who have at least once applied to «RosCo – Consulting and audit» for services, come back again. Most of them apply on a permanent basis. The famous Russian producer of elite chocolate French Kiss has signed with RosCo a contract for further cooperation in the field of migration law.
The Russian representative office of the German company Textima Export Import GmbH has applied to RosCo for professional legal services. After signing the official contract, the lawyers have taken the responsibility for full legal support of the branch activity.
A contract for provision of legal services was concluded between the companies FlixBus and "RosCo – Consulting and audit". German businessmen have chosen "RosCo" due to its unblemished business reputation and foothold in the Russian market.
The cooperation has begun between "RosCo – Consulting and audit" and Moscow representative office of the Chinese concern ICOOL Global: the customer has sought legal and migration services of high quality. The legal service of «RosCo» – is one of the best in the RF. This has been confirmed many times by prestigious awards at national competitions and grateful customer feedbacks.
By conduction of an audit it is better to use the services of reliable and experienced consulting companies: it guarantees high quality and short deadlines for inspection. The representative office of the Turkish company UET Uran Industrial Facilities Inc. values its business reputation and is aimed at long-term success, that’s why it has chosen «RosCo» for conduction of an audit.
The famous Turkish manufacturer of security systems Kale Kilit has chosen «RosCo – Consulting and audit» as a provider of high-quality accounting and legal services for its representative office in Russia.
A lot of customers of «RosCo – Consulting and audit» order in the leading Russian company not one service, but the whole service packages: this is very profitable in terms of saving time, efforts and finances, and thus allows to carry out more efficient activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The vast customer base of «RosCo» has been replenished by the Russian company FABREEX: an agreement for conduction of HR audit and provision of audit consultations has been signed.
The company «RosCo – Consulting and audit» has entered into an agreement with the Russian branch of CNH Industrial, a leading US concern, for provision of expert assistance by making up inventory. The specialists of «RosCo» have wide experience in organizing and making up inventories at enterprises of various sizes and activities – that’s why customers prefer to choose us.