News - page 24

Components for heating systems produced by Carisa, the brand owned by the Turkish company Radiart, are in demand all over the world. The designer heaters, convectors, towel dryers and accessories of Carisa are also sold in our country through the Russian representative office. A competent partner - the company "RosCo - Consulting and Audit", was chosen for accounting of goods turnover, financial reporting and legal support of activities.
The international IT company Generix Group specialized in the development, implementation and support of cloud solutions for optimization of a supply chain, builds up its presence in the Russian market. The unit development requires engagement of specialists from different countries, which entails a lot of migration issues and related red tape.
AgroScandia, a family owned agricultural enterprise with Danish roots, is developing agricultural business in the Kaliningrad Region. Its priority is not only the sustainable development, efficiency and profit, but also responsible interaction with the state, partners and employees. In such issues, foreign citizens should better rely on expert opinion. 
The Vanyushkiny Sweets confectionery factory has taken on the markets of Russia and the CIS countries with its delicious products. The manufacturer has dozens of raw material suppliers and wholesale buyers of finished products, and with each of them it is necessary to formalize relations correctly and solve arising disputes and conflicts. 
The RosCo group of companies has confirmed its right to secondment arrangements. The ROST private employment agency, which is a part of the RosCo group of companies, has get the state accreditation №А-112/77 of 10.02.20. The information is entered in the register of the Federal labor and employment service.
The management of Lensmaster has applied to RosCo for services in the field of migration law. The network of optical stores is a part of the international corporation GrandVision Group, which regularly engages foreign specialists for work in the stores and transfer of experience to Russian colleagues. The engagement of foreign employees causes difficulties both in the execution of quotas/documents, and in interaction with the bureaucratic apparatus. 
The global leaders in the production of automotive components and parts are moving to the Russian market. The Swedish company Haldex, a developer and manufacturer of braking systems for heavy trucks, buses and trailers, is not an exception. For successful functioning of the Russian representative office, the Swedes applied to RosCo and concluded an agreement for accounting services. 
The Skytrack IT company applied to RosCo for audit services. The Russian developer of extensive software solutions has chosen the partner of its level. The RosCo specialists are experienced accountants and auditors who apply the latest information technologies in their work.
RosCo and the USHAŞ medical organization (Turkey) have signed an agreement for legal and accounting services. The Turkish partners have chosen RosCo for high professionalism in its field. The company works since 2004. The lawyers, accountants and auditors have a wide experience, including in conducting affairs of foreign companies.
The Russian representative office of Reichle & De-Massari AG and RsCo has concluded a long-term contract for accounting services. The management of the Swiss company has opted for expert services - RosCo auditors and accountants are highly qualified and experienced, help to conduct business profitably and legally and in full compliance with the complex and contradictory Russian laws. This is particularly true for the foreign clients.
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