RosCo lawyers helped the Moscow company "New Psychology" obtain an educational license
Representatives of New Psychology LLC contacted the international company "RosCo" for a service to obtain a license from the Ministry of Education and Science. The lawyers helped the client achieve their goal quickly and with minimal costs.
The main activity of the organization "New Psychology" according to RNCEO is "Scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences other" (code 72.19). The company was assigned TIN 9704238447, RRC 770401001 and PSRN 1247700225585 from March 11, 2024. The organization is registered in Moscow, in IFTS No. 4.
RosCo lawyers provided the following services to the client:
conducted an audit of documents and educational programs;
gave professional recommendations;
helped to obtain a license from Rosobrnauki.