RosCo helped with the registration of the “Dostoynaya Starost” (“Decent Old Age”) support fund for the elderly
A team of professionals helped with registering a non-profit organization in accordance with Federal Law No. 129-ФЗ dated from August 8, 2001. The foundation can now freely and legally carry out its activities in Russia.
“Dostoynaya Starost” (“Decent Old Age”) is a non-profit organization that cares for older people and strives to provide them with good living conditions in old age.
The goal of the organization is to create a society where older people live fully and happily. The mission of the fund is to provide a wide range of services that contribute to the well-being and comfort of older people.
One of the active projects of the Decent Old Age Foundation is the organization of Social Canteens for those in need.
The RosCo team shares the values of the founders of the “Dostoynaya Starost” (“Decent Old Age”) Foundation, and therefore was happy to provide its management with comprehensive legal support for the successful registration of a non-profit organization with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
RosCo lawyers helped develop a draft Articles of Association for the NPO, submit all the necessary documentation to the registration authority, and receive notifications and documents from relevant departments.
"We are confident that the “Dostoynaya Starost” (“Decent Old Age”) charity foundation will be able to achieve significant results in its activities. We hope for a long-term partnership and are ready to provide the foundation with professional legal support in the future," noted RosCo CEO.