RosCo is accredited as a partner of UniCredit Bank

UniCredit Bank has put RosCo on a list of its partners under the small and medium-sized business lending programs.

The certificate issued by UniCredit Bank officially confirms acquisition by RosCo of a status of an authorized broker of the Bank.

UniCredit acts as the largest commercial European bank holding firm leading positions in 17 countries of Europe. The total banking network of UniCredit, consisting, according to the data as of December 31, 2013, of 9,000 departments with 147,000 employees covers 50 countries of the world, including, in particular, Austria, Bulgaria, Slovakia,  Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Russia and other countries. An especially large international banking network consisting of 3,600 departments and offices is represented in Central and Eastern Europe.

Компания «РосКо» аккредитована в качестве партнера ЮниКредит Банк