“RosCo” “includes company “Erbay Alüminyum” in the asset list”
Many famous international companies trust out company with business dealing in Russia, and Turkish enterprise “Erbay Alüminyum” (http://www.erbayaluminyum.com/) is not an exception; it is concluded contract with “RosCo” for highly-qualified accounting service.

“Erbay Alüminyum” – large manufacturer and supplier of innovative aluminum product that has high demand when constructing objects all over the world. Assortment of the product include windows, window fittings, doors and door furniture, expandable systems (high class designer’s structures for security with manual or automatic opening) and systems of sunlight protection (high comfort window-blind).
The company’s product is manufactured on processing lines with use of modern equipment “Elumatec”, herewith area of sheltered workshops is 20 000 square meters, open workshops – 10 000 square meters. Team of 650 professional experts develop and test product in accordance with strict quality criteria, and use principles of dynamical and static calculation and isometric analysis when developing work drafts.
The company’s product is certified in accordance with systems ISO, OHSAS and GOST. Among the projects, for installation of which structures of “Erbay Alüminyum” manufacture are used, are industrial buildings, hotels, health retreats, entertainment and trade centers in Turkey, Russia, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.