German company Verbatim has decided to say a new ‘word’ in the practice of business having selected ‘RosCo’ professionals as legal counselors.
News - page 43
‘RosCo’ company’s representatives took part in international specialized exhibition ‘India Show 2014’ organized by the Federation of Indian Exporting Organizations guided by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Government of India. The national exhibition of Indian manufacturers took place from September 24 to September 26 at exhibition centre Crocus Expo.
The worldwide-known companies union producing equipment for production of welded mesh and reinforcement steel processing has made its choice in favour of ‘RosCo’s competence and many years’ experience having made legal services contract for Russian representative office.
One of the leading Turkish manufacturers of electrical products GI Imaj has made highly qualified services agreement with ‘RosCo’ company. Russian branches and representative offices of many famous foreign companies prefer cooperation with ‘RosCo’ as a competent and qualified partner having big experience of consulting in different spheres of business.
Contract for legal support of business in the Russian territory is made by ‘RosCo’ and Polish construction and mining equipment manufacturer and supplier DRESSTA.
Legal services agreement with publicly-owned company ‘Belgiprodor’ included into the Republic of Belarus’ Transport and Communications Ministry structure was signed.
Famous company Vefa has kept pace with a number of Turkish companies preferring long-term cooperation with ‘RosCo’ in the field of consulting services provision. ‘RosCo’ specialists undertook to provide full accounting and legal support for Vefa Russian representative office.
The Moscow company French Kiss known in many regions of Russia due to its decorative elite chocolate boutiques has applied to RosCo for consulting services.
Many famous international companies trust out company with business dealing in Russia, and Turkish enterprise “Erbay Alüminyum” is not an exception; it is concluded contract with “RosCo” for highly-qualified accounting service.