News - page 41

A contract is concluded for full consulting service of the business on the territory of the Russian Federation between «RosCo» and Villa Yapi – one of the leading enterprises of the construction sector in Turkey.
Chinese company «SF-Express» imposed duties on the specialists of «RosCo»-Consulting & Audit on support of opening and conduct of business in Russia. Quite soon Russians will be able to enjoy firm operating departments in the regions of the Russian Federation.
The agreement for audit of the representative office activity in Russia to be made by one of the Chinese Sinopec corporation companies has been entered into.
A contract is signed for maintenance of staff records between RosСo | Consulting & audit and Russian representative office of international company Petainer.
In November 2014 “RosCo” company successfully passed external quality inspection of the auditing activities and observance of professional code of ethics. Based on the results of the review the self-regulating auditors’organization non-profit partnership «Audit Chamber of Russia» issued a positive opinion (№242 of 18.12.2014).
The company "RosCo" is pleased to congratulate all of its customers, partners and friends a Happy New Year!
The well-known Turkish company Yiber Electronic has chosen “RosCo” as a provider of accounting and legal services for the Russian segment of its business. 
The RosCo | Consulting & audit lawyers have participated in the meeting of the Roundtable concerning “What an employer should know to draw and use foreign employees on the basis of the patent in 2015” held in the Conference Hall of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI). 
An agreement for accounting and legal support has been entered into with the Association of Organizations and Specialists of the Laboratory Service “Federation of Laboratory Medicine”
“RosCo” company has participated in the 24th International Exhibition “Healthcare, Medical Equipment and Pharmaceuticals” organized by Closed Joint-Stock Company “Expocenter”, traditionally supported by the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation. 
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