News - page 30

The specialists of the company «RosCo – Consulting and audit» are credited with a lot of skillfully fulfilled tasks and successfully completed projects. The consulting organization enjoys special confidence of foreign investors: another Turkish company Rollmech Automotive has become a customer of «RosCo», having entrusted staff recruitment and accounting for the Russian representative office to professionals.
The Chinese leader in the field of biometric verification ZKTeco has chosen the company «RosCo – Consulting and audit» as its reliable and responsible legal service provider. Lawyers of the consulting organization have assumed obligations for professional support of the activity of the Russian representative office in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.
An agreement for provision of legal services was sighed with the Moscow representative office of the Proshyan brandy factory. The large Armenian enterprise has trusted in «RosCo – Consulting and audit» due to the permanent goodwill and highly professional team of the leading consulting organization of Russia. The future activity includes long and successful cooperation with experienced and competent law experts.
The Moscow office of the Chinese group of companies China Merchants Group has approached RosCo - Legal Advice for legal consulting. Having such a famous client - the pioneer of China's national industry and commerce is an honor for a consulting company, and cooperation with the undisputed leader of the Russian consulting services market, a participant in many important events and a winner of prestigious awards for its contribution to the development of the Russian economy, is an honor for China Merchants Group.
One of the priorities of activity of RosCo - Consulting & Audit is consulting in various areas - legal, accounting, auditing. Many foreign and Russian clients trust the professionalism and competence of RosCo specialists. The national airline SKOL has also taken the right course by contacting the firm for auditing consulting.
The Russian representative office of the manufacturer of food supplements from Norway Vitaliv has signed an accounting and legal service contract with RosCo - Consulting & Audit. Very often, clients prefer to order a comprehensive package of services, for example, accounting and full legal business support of the company.
A contract has been signed for legal support of the representative office of CGTech company in Russia. Leaders of many sectors of the modern economy prefer RosCo - Legal Advice due to the indisputable positive reputation and long experience of the leading Russian consulting company.
Correct recruitment and competent work with staff directly affects the efficiency of financial and economic activities. That is why most entities request from time to time the support of reliable consulting companies - such as RosCo - Consulting & Audit. PASCAL MEDICAL LLC has also requested staff audit services: the experienced specialists of RosCo carry out assessment, analysis and consulting support of the entity’s structural and staff potential.
RosCo - Consulting & Audit has long established itself as an experienced, professional and highly qualified partner of Russian and foreign companies. Its clients include not only well-known trade, industrial and construction companies: the leadership of the Yalta International Economic Forum has signed an audit service contract with RosCo.
The professionalism and huge experience of the specialists of RosCo - Consulting & Audit are highly appreciated in the capital market of consulting services. The leading position and outstanding achievements are evidenced by certificates of honor and participation in international events. The extensive client base of RosCo is completed annually with new names: an accounting and legal support contract has been signed with the leading Turkish company EVDEMA. 
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