
Recruiting staff is a rather complex task that not every company is able to cope with on its own. Not every organization has its own HR department, ready to constantly monitor resumes, recruit staff and endless interviews. That is why in some situations it is easier to outsource this task - for example, attract a professional recruitment agency. This is especially true when the search is not for an ordinary employee, but, for example, for a competent and thoughtful accountant. The service of professional personnel selection is offered by the RosCo company, whose experts have a tremendous amount of experience and knowledge in the field of personnel affairs.

Recruitment services

The personnel selection service is not just a formal filling of a vacancy, but a systematic search for a truly qualified employee who is best suited to work in a particular organization. Even an experienced manager cannot always cope with such a task alone, since it requires not only monetary but also large time investments, as well as sufficient experience in the field of recruiting. This is why sometimes it will be easier to outsource it.

RosCo recruits personnel in the following areas:

  • administrative staff, management;
  • sales area;
  • accounting field;
  • finance;
  • project management.

If you need a specialist for one of these areas, contact RosCo - we will help you quickly find an experienced, qualified and competent employee for any position.

Features of recruitment services

RosCo pays special attention to the selection of specialists for the accounting department - chief accountants, ordinary accountants, and their assistants. The fact is that accounting employees occupy a special place in the staff hierarchy of any company. They are more immersed in the affairs of the enterprise than other specialists and work, including with trade secrets, and therefore require complete trust from the manager and management. What is important here is not only the professionalism of a particular applicant, but also his personal qualities, loyalty and “soft skills”. That is why the selection of such specialists must be approached with great care and attention, as is done at RosCo.

We don't just find suitable candidates for a specific organization - we also offer them a 6-month internship in our company, which will allow us to verify their skills and professionalism. It also allows you to introduce future employees of your company to all the latest changes in legislation, new accounting methods and modern software. Additionally, an internship helps ensure that candidates have the specific skills needed to be successful in their new position.


The cost of recruitment services by RosCo HR specialists starts from 25,000 rubles - for example, for this price you can organize a search for an office manager, accountant or assistant accountant. Recruiting specialists with higher qualifications such as a financial director, sales manager, chief accountant or project support manager will cost from 35,000 rubles. The price of each offer includes a full package of services for finding the right person:

  • drawing up an application for personnel search;
  • coordination of candidate search methods;
  • analysis of the current state of the vacancy market;
  • search and work with resumes;
  • absentee selection of candidates;
  • screening candidates - collecting recommendations and reviews from previous places of work;
  • organizing all stages of the interview with the selected specialist;
  • preparing a package of documents for the applicant, conducting an internship, and so on.

Another non-standard service offered by RosCo is outstaffing of accounting personnel - in other words, monthly “rent” of employees. Instead of looking for an accountant or other specialist in this field to work on a specific task or to work part-time, you can “rent” him from RosCo - it will cost from 50,000 rubles per month.

Advantages of RosCo

In many situations, it will be much more profitable for a company to contact a recruitment agency than to search and select specialists on its own. RosCo has extensive experience in the field of recruiting, uses truly effective methods of searching for applicants and analyzing their resumes, and also devotes a lot of time to working with candidates - for example, screening them, training and internships. As a result, we will not just fill your vacancy, but will do it most effectively, finding exactly the employee who will best meet the needs and requirements of your company.

Here are just a few advantages of RosCo:

Save time.
Delegating the search and selection of new employees allows the company to save a lot of time that would otherwise be spent working on resumes, interviewing random candidates and screening out unsuitable applicants.
A serious approach to personnel selection.
Before the search begins, all criteria for selecting candidates are agreed upon, so as a result you get exactly the employee you were looking for. At the selection stage, not only the applicant’s experience is checked, but also his personal qualities and reputation.
Comfortable and fast search.
RosCo takes care of all stages of searching and selecting candidates - monitoring resumes, posting vacancies, preliminary interviews with applicants. All you have to do is meet several pre-selected applicants and decide to hire one of them.

To order recruiting services, you can submit an online application on the RosCo website or contact the company’s managers by phone.