Legal services for trademarks

To make your services and products more recognizable, increase sales, and protect your intellectual property, you can create and register your own trademark. The registration process is quite lengthy and complex, so it is best to go through it not alone, but accompanied by a competent and qualified lawyer. A specialist will guide you through all the difficulties of registration with Rospatent and FIPS, help you register your intellectual property rights, and, if necessary, will accompany you further in the process of using a trademark. Assistance in registering a trademark is provided by the “RosCo” company.

How to register your own trademark

To register a trademark you have invented, you must go through several successive stages.

01 The very first stage is the development and creation of a brand and all its components, including a logo, brand name, and so on. It is important to take into account all the restrictions prescribed in Art. 1483 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, otherwise there is a risk that the option you propose may not be registered with Rospatent.
02 The next step is to check the trademark according to the registers of Rospatent, which allows you to make sure that there are no similar or similar marks already registered on the Russian and international markets. If similar brands exist, registration may be refused and the process will have to start all over again.
03 At the third stage of registering a trademark, it is examined by Rospatent specialists, who check it for similarity with other brands. This registration stage can last up to a year, but if desired, it can be accelerated to several months.
04 If the previous stages passed without any complaints, then Rospatent approves the registration of your trademark and issues a certificate.

In total, registration of any trademark can take from several months (if considered in an accelerated manner) to one and a half years (the maximum period allowed by law). At the same time, it is important to understand that if consideration is denied at one of the stages, then the procedure will have to start over and go through each stage again. That is why it is better not to register trademark rights on your own, but to use the services of lawyers who know absolutely everything about patent law - patent attorneys. You can find such specialists, among other things, in the “RosCo” company.

What other services does “RosCo” offer?

Trademark registration is not the only service offered by RosCo.

We can also:

  • extend the validity of an existing patent;
  • help in creating a new sign and all its components from scratch;
  • register a logo with Rospatent;
  • protect the existing brand from unlawful claims from competitors;
  • if necessary, file a pre-trial claim or represent the client’s interests in court;
  • provide legal support in the process of using the mark.

Advantages of “RosCo”

In the process of registering any patent or trademark, it is necessary to take into account many nuances and details - only this will allow you not to lose money paid for certification, as well as time. The lawyers of the consulting firm "RosCo" are specialists in patent law, they know everything about the requirements of Rospatent and FIPS, so they can guide you through the registration procedure quickly and without unexpected costs. We will provide you with comprehensive support on all questions you may have regarding the registration and use of such marks.